Hamrhead Helmets can only be purchased from our exclusive online distributor,
Blackbeard’s Motorcycle Gear
They are not available in stores or any other online outlet.
Blackbeard’s has the reputation and customer service we demand for our helmets, so you can buy them with confidence, securely and quickly.
Beware of counterfeit helmet websites that claim to sell Hamrheads.
as they are cheap plastic knockoff helmets from China.
Our helmets are real fiberglass and carbon-fiber and superior in every way.
Blackbeards is the only distributor of Genuine HamrHead Helmets.
Click here to visit Blackbeard’s and get your HamrHead now!
Use a soft tape measure or piece of twine about one inch above your eyebrows, just at the top of your ears and around the fattest part of your head in the back.
Make sure the tape is level all around, make it comfortably snug, not super tight.
If your measurement falls between sizes, we recommend choosing the smaller size as the snugger fit will break in after a ride or two and fit comfortably.
Measure carefully using this chart to determine your size:
Place the helmet on your head so that the front of the helmet is about one inch above your eyebrows.
DO NOT buckle the chin strap!
If the helmet seems like it wants to rise up or pop up on your head, it is probably too small.
Next, place your hands with open palms on each side of the helmet so that your thumbs are extended toward the back, and your little fingers are toward the front. Gently rock the helmet up and down so that the front edge of the helmet moves toward your eyebrows and away from your eyebrows.
- If the helmet slides across the skin of your forehead , the helmet is too big.
- If the helmet grabs your skin and moves your eyebrows, the helmet fits.
This method is simple and shows whether or not there is enough skin friction to hold the helmet in place so it won’t ride back with wind lift.
Don’t be surprised if the helmet feels very tight at first, it will break in after a few rides and get more and more comfortable.
When cleaning your helmet , take care to use only warm water and a mild dish detergent, we recommend Dawn, and a soft clean sponge. Pat dry with a quality paper towel such as Bounty or a clean microfiber cloth. DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF LIQUID, PASTE OR SPRAY CLEANERS OR SOLVENTS when cleaning your helmet. A well cared for helmet will give you many years of service.